Hoosiers on a Mission

We are fighting for education policies that benefit children.

Join Our Team
  1. Inform legislators
    It is crucial for our state’s political leaders to be informed of issues facing the schools in their community as well as Indiana’s K-12 education system as a whole. HQE provides accurate information to Indiana’s legislators so they can give their youngest constituents a voice in the Statehouse. Being well-versed in education policy allows legislators to seek common-sense solutions to improve education across the state.
  2. Engage advocates
    There are thousands of Hoosiers wanting to put kids first in education, and we work to engage those parents, teachers, community members, and business leaders to join us in making quality education a reality for all Hoosier students.
  3. Communicate the facts
    We work to diminish the myths and misinformation surrounding school choice and education reform. By communicating the facts to the media as well as the general public, we build a stronger group of supporters who will join us in shaping the conversation and expanding quality education opportunities.
Letter from our Chairman

Over 100,000 children currently attend a failing school in Indiana. This problem is one that requires innovative approaches to the way we educate our young people. We must have the courage to stand up to those who actively oppose the advancement of Indiana’s education system and say enough is enough. The work to improve education in Indiana will not be complete until every child is attending a school that prepares them to be successful in life.

Our organization was founded in 2007 as a catalyst for systemic education improvement and sustained economic growth in Indiana. In April of 2013, we changed the name of the organization to Institute for Quality Education (HQE) and launched a strategic initiative to build upon recent improvements in Indiana’s education system. We recognize the strong connection between a quality K-12 education system and a vibrant 21st century Indiana economy, and this is why we advocate for policies that give every student access to a quality education in an environment that best meets their needs.

We are working with policymakers, educators, business and community leaders, parents, and other concerned citizens to build a successful K-12 education system to meet the needs of today’s students. Our vision for this system includes:

  • Quality, world-class educational opportunities available to all Indiana students, whether in the public or private school systems.
  • A vibrant, diverse market of school models and programs designed to provide more choices to parents and more competition to drive improvement.
  • Strong leadership in education policy to demand excellence, drive transformation, and put the priority on achievement instead of protecting the status quo.
  • Moving beyond higher academic standards and rigor in education content, we must raise expectations to consider quality education a necessity to succeed in a rapidly changing national and global economy.

We’ve seen steady improvements in student achievement over the last seven years. More Hoosier children are graduating from high school, enrolling in AP courses, passing state exams, and reading on grade level by third grade. More parents are also exercising their right to choose a school that works best for their child. Indiana is leading the nation in innovative ideas that help all children succeed. But we can’t stop now.

Our team acknowledges the work that remains for Indiana’s education system and refuses to settle for the status quo. No child should be trapped in a failing school. Stand with us as we support and advocate for education policies that work for Indiana and benefit Hoosier children. Our kids can’t wait.

Fred S. Klipsch
Founder & Chairman